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Erik Laubscher: Painting from the soul

Erik LaubscherPeople marvel at art for various reasons, some for beauty, others for inspiration, but the art of Erik Laubscher had the ability to speak to the heart. One could also argue that he had the ability to capture a moment in nature and bring it to life. As previously stated, art brought him to a deep spiritual place. The same awe that many might find when they look up at a starlit sky or in the middle of an open field.

Laubscher is the first to admit that his paintings are products of his admiration for the forms, elements and atmosphere around him. Some might think that he was a master of composition, when he actually painted those things to which his being was connected. This was a place where emotion gained form and shape and the canvas and palette would often become an arrangement of his perceptions. The thing that struck many is the integrity of his art; what you saw was the outpouring of his soul. Some refer to the strength of the emotion he used and others are impressed by the precise image – trademarks of his meticulous craftsmanship.

Reminiscing on the life Erik Laubscher seems even more remarkable when considering that he started out as an art school reject. In order to support his family he worked as a salesman for Plascon. One could argue that it was when he started the Ruth Prowse Art Centre in Woodstock that his art career would take off again, leading him to the São Paulo and Venice Biennale and also included in major museums, university and public collections.

During his illustrious career spanning 60 years, he represented South Africa at the São Paulo and Venice Biennale and was included in major museums, university and public collections.

A fitting tribute to this well-known South African artist would be that he is counted as one of the most remarkable Cape Town artists of his time.

Photo credit: johansborman.co.za