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de Jongh, Gabriel

de Jongh, Gabriel (1913 – 2004)

Gabriel Cornelis de Jongh was the only son of the renowned artist Tinus. He was faced with the challenge of
establishing his reputation as an artist worthy of recognition in his own right. His magnificent land and seascapes
grace the walls of public buildings and private residences throughout the country. Indeed, his works are also
sought after by international art collectors.

Born on 6 April 1913 in Amsterdam, Holland, his boyhood years there were but a vague memory. Yet he vividly
recalled his excitement when his father, who had travelled to South Africa in 1921, instructed his wife to follow
with the family six months later. The spirited eight-year-old, exhilarated by visions of the adventures ahead,
departed his birthplace without a backward glance. Henceforth his heart was to remain wholly devoted to his
new home, South Africa. Gabriel died on 11th March 2004 shortly before his 91st birthday. He is survived by his
son Tinus who runs a small gallery in Cape Town containing a cross representation of the works of both Tinus and

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