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Naude, Hugo

Naude, Hugo (1869 – 1941)

Pieter Hugo Naude was born on the farm, ‘Aan de Doorns’in the Worcester district in the Western
Cape. After being schooled at Over Hex and Worcester, he returned to the family farm, his talent was
recognized and encouraged, most notably by Olive Schreiner. In 1889 he went to London where he
studied at the Slade School. After the studies he worked for a short while in Italy. Between 1890 – 1894
he attended ‘Kunst Akadamie, Munich’.

He returned to South Africa in 1896 where he painted on the farm or else travelled by caravan to
Namaqualand, Drakensberg or even as far as Victoria Falls. In 1904 he moved to Worcester where he
built his house and studio. In 1913 he went to London to study etchings at Kings Road School as well
further studies in Munich. He got married in 1915 to Julia Brown of Cape Town.

Following his marriage Hugo Naude seldom left Worcester, except on painting expeditions. In 1939 he
was awardedMedal of Honour for Painting by the South African Akademie.

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